Friday, October 7, 2011

Rug Doctor X3

If you have carpet in your home, you know how important it is clean your carpet regularly to keep it clean and increase the longevity of the carpet. The Rug Doctor X3 is the carpet cleaning machine you need to ensure you have the ability to carpet clean your carpet the way it should be.

Sure you always have the ability to rent your Rug Doctor, however in the long run owning your own carpet cleaner. The benefit of course is the savings you achieve over time. Rental fees can and will ad up, purchasing your own Rug Doctor x3 will of course pay for itself.

What may be missed by many, is that the Rug Doctor Mighty Pro x3 can be a cleaning machine that will allow you to clean more places and things other than the carpet in your living room and bedrooms. The Rug Doctor x3 has a universal hand tool included and hose set that will help you carpet clean your stairs, campers, or anything else that is carpeted and you want to remain clean.

If you are interested in owning your own Rug Doctor Carpet Cleaner, You can buy from a various of Models at

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rug Doctor Carpet Cleaners

When it comes to carpet cleaning, one brand usually comes to mind, the Rug Doctor Carpet cleaners. It is not unusual to walk into your local rent-all business or perhaps your local grocery store to see a few Rug Doctor cleaners ready and available to be rented. And if you are like me, you probably would spend around $50 - $100 a year on renting these machines to deep clean your carpets. This at first may not seem that bad, however over time and year after year, the amount of money spent on cleaning carpets can add up. This isn't including monies spent on professional carpet cleaning companies, which of course could push that bill a lot higher.

So really why do we need to identify the amount of money we spend on a yearly basis to clean our carpets? This will allow you to identify if it would save you money in the long run, if you purchase a rug doctor carpet cleaner, instead of renting it. Long term, it would make the most sense to purchase your own rug doctor cleaning machine.

The first reason why you should buy, would be that over time you will end up saving money on your carpet cleaning. After a few years, or even sooner, depending on how many times you use the machine, it will most certainly pay for itself while keeping your carpet smelling fresh while it is keeping it clean, thus increasing the longevity of the carpets life. After all, carpet replacement can be expensive and anytime you can make it last longer, well, it is a winning situation in my book.

The Second reason why you should purchase a Rug Doctor Carpet Cleaner  is the opportunity to clean your carpet at anytime. For instance instead of doing it only once a year, since you have the machine, you could do it every four months, or after a really bad week of pet accidents, dirty shoes, or other. By owning the Rug Doctor, you'll have the power to clean your carpet without having to fork out more cash to rent a carpet cleaning machine.

And Lastly, Having your own machine allows you to keep it in shape, keep it clean, and provides you with the piece of mind that it's your machine, that only you use for your carpet. On the other hand there is always the opportunity to clean your friends or families carpets for a extra buck, now that sounds like a winner to me.

If you interesting in checking out some amazing Rug Doctor Carpet Cleaners, accessories, and carpet cleaning solutions, you can do so by clicking here..........